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4 Steps to Find a 
Massage Therapist in Glen Mills

Massage therapy is not something nice to have from time to time. Our sedentary lifestyle, causing a wide range of chronic pains, leaves us no choice but to find a  massage therapist near us whom we can trust.


A good massage session can help not only relax after a hard day but to improve overall well-being. But how to find the best bodywork professional among dozens of therapists working in Glen Mills, PA.


Let me walk you through some tips to help you get a high-quality massage

and save time and money.

Relaxing Massage


If you don’t know something, ask your friend or an expert. The same approach
works with finding a massage therapist who could help you relax after a tough
week or ease chronic pain.

People love to give advice, so get recommendations from your doctor, friends,
relatives, or colleagues. If they’re happy with the result, with a high probability,
you will be as well.

Is it a perfect fit?

To understand if the massage therapist they suggested is the right one, I'd recommend clarifying some details by asking these questions:

  • What massage service does your friend regularly use?

  • Does the therapist have a license and a website?

  • To what extent is a massage facility clean, comfortable and safe?

  • How many years of experience does the therapist have?

This information can help you understand to what extent the specialist is legit. Apart from that, you’ll get an idea if your friend is trying to solve a similar problem with massage therapy. It’d be disappointing to book a session with a massage therapist who is good at Shiatsu but doesn’t specialize in the therapy you actually need.


 After getting recommendations from several friends or a doctor, don’t forget to check reviews on Google – one of the most trustworthy resources on the Web. At Mend Me Massage Therapy, we pay attention to every comment our clients leave after a session to keep providing high-quality massage services in Glen Mills, PA.

What do people say?

While checking reviews, try to pay attention to these details that could help you get a clear understanding of a massage shop:

  • The number of reviews and its average score. 

  • If this profile has detailed comments

  • The photos that customers took and posted

  • The number of negative comments

When you search for a massage therapist near you, don’t exclude any massage shop from your list because it has several negative reviews on Google.

I’d recommend paying attention to the average score to make a decision. If the rating is between 3.5 and 4, it’s still quite good in combination with dozens of positive reviews.

Sometimes it’s better to book a session at a massage shop with many reviews and an average ranking of 3.5 than go to a completely brand-new salon with few 5-star reviews. 

Beauty Products on Wooden Bowl


In Pennsylvania, around 8,300 massage professionals regularly help over 12 million people relieve chronic pain, tension headaches, and relax after a tough day. But practicing massage therapy requires a license.  With all the benefits that massage therapy brings, some things can go wrong if you’re dealing with an unlicensed professional. You might encounter various scam schemes or get injuries, bruises, or nerve lesions. That’s why it’s crucial to check if the massage therapist you decided to visit is registered with the Pennsylvania Board of Massage Therapy or the Division of Professional Regulation in Delaware.

Is the license still valid?

  • Check out the website of the massage therapist you plan to visit

  • Try to find any information related to their credentials

  • Ask the therapist to share with you their license number

  • Write down contact details to verify the credentials through the Pennsylvania Board of Massage Therapy

  • If you can’t find your therapist through the first website, check the Delaware licensure database. Sometimes it helps

For instance, Mend Me Massage Therapy is run by Peihua Luo, whose license you can easily find through one of these databases. She is allowed to practice Healing Arts with private clients and massage therapy from physician referrals in Pennsylvania and Delaware.


To receive it, Peihua, as required by the Pennsylvania Board of Massage Therapy, completed 600 contact hours of in-class and clinical instruction from an approved school. After that, she passed the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Exam (MBLEx) with exemplary scores. Thus, if you’re not entirely sure that your massage therapist is licensed, feel free to request all the necessary information to check their credentials.


Finding a massage therapist is a challenging task. High-quality massage therapy assumes an experienced practitioner and a safe and tranquil environment. It’s challenging to relax in an uncomfortable room.

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Do you feel safe and relaxed?

If you have time, check out the massage shop before your first visit. Have you already booked a massage session? Then pay attention to these details during your first visit:

  • Massage facility, as well as linens, are clean and sanitized 

  • Massage rooms are free from mold and contamination

  • Visitors are provided with some privacy to disrobe

  • You feel safe in this massage treatment space

  • Its ventilation system works well

  • Heating or cooling systems work well

Our massage facility is cleaned thoroughly several times a day to ensure a comfortable and safe experience for our visitors. At Mend Me Massage Therapy, we do our best to help our clients breathe out and relax. We know how it's difficult to find a massage therapist near you and do our best to ensure a positive and comfortable experience for every customer.

© 2023 by Mend Me Massage Therapy

Springwater Plaza, 364 Wilmington West Chester Pike Bldg B, Unit 7,

Glen Mills, PA 19342, Tel: (484) 574-8086

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